What to ask–and what not to ask God in His waiting room.
Got Fear? Trade Your Fear for This
Through the years I’ve struggled with fear just like many of you. But one day I decided to trade my fear for something more reliable.
When the Weeds in Your Life Keep Growing
Most of us hate weeds. They take over our yards and our gardens and make life generally miserable. But what about the weeds in our lives. Can they serve a greater purpose? This story illustrates what I’m talking about.
Simple Truth for Today: Live by Faith, Not Inspiration
It doesn’t really matter what occupation you’re in, you’ll need a healthy dose of faith/perspiration to get through each day. What do I mean by that? Aren’t faith and work opposites?
Motherhood–Pleasure or Pain?
Every mom visualizes the moment when her perfect baby will emerge from the womb—the joy of her heart and life. But the first sounds she hears are not the sweet cooing of a contented infant, but the sharp wails of a screaming stranger. Years that follow may bring a love-hate tug of war between “I love you always,” and a “Who is this, child, anyway?” Is there a true joy of motherhood?