You may be surprised that some of my most popular blog posts of 2022 also appeared on my list of top 2021 blog posts. Today’s post offers you that list from 2022 so you can read and review those articles and prayers, and remember and celebrate God’s faithfulness as you do. Enjoy these popular blog posts and prayers from 2022. If you missed one last year, you can read it here brand new, or enjoy a review. I believe you’ll find encouragement no matter who or where you are in life. As you review these popular blog posts, may they …
When You Desperately Need God’s Promise
When you desperately need God’s promise, where do you turn?
3 Keys to a Happier New Year
As the new year unfolds, all of us want our year to be “happier” than the previous one. Based on Scriptural advice, here are three keys to help you experience a happier new year:
Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours
Wherever you are this year, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! May our voices blend as one as we give thanks to our faithful Father God!
What Do You Really Consider to Be a Blessing from God?
When you count your blessings, no matter how big or small, what do you really consider to be a blessing from God?