Most of us don’t like to wait. Yet even with our latest technology advances, experts say we spend an average of two years of our lives waiting for something: red lights, traffic backups, doctor’s appointments, grocery lines, income tax refunds, and insurance checks. We wait for babies to be born, boring sermons to end, houses to sell, and kids to grow up. We usually prefer fast-food, instant communication through social media, immediate profits, and magical answers to difficult questions.
Do You Need a Divine Appointment?
The “stuff” of life consumes us, confuses us, and clouds our perspective daily. We try to write the pages of our lives our way, but we end up with volumes of unnecessary rewrites. When we add the most important story ingredient daily, not legalistically, but with a dry, thirsty spirit, God enters, and changes us–and our story. We all need a divine appointment.
Are You Spiritually Dehydrated? Need Spiritual Refreshment?
One year I bought a new plant called ornamental mustard. Beautiful leaves, pretty colors–different from anything I owned. I wasn’t sure where to plant it, but I knew we’d find a place for it. New plants always perk up the garden, especially in Fall, when some things are fading. I found a temporary spot on the back porch until I decided on its permanent home. But I forgot something vital about that plant.
God Blesses Believers with Two Companions-Book Giveaway
It’s time for another book giveaway. You’ll enjoy a year’s full of devotions that will strengthen you in your walk with God as you spend moments alone with Jesus.
Quiet Time with God: 8 Ways to Keep Your Devotions Vibrant
How’s your quiet time with God? I recently read Grace Fox’s book, Peaceful Moments to Begin Your Day: Devotions for Busy Women. This book was formerly titled 10-Minute Time Outs for Busy Women. It’s been reformatted and newly released as a beautiful little gift book.