Keeping life balanced is not easy for anyone, but here are ten simple ways that might help you find discipline and grace–and add balance to your days.
Five Ways to Embrace the Seasons of Life
I see them emerging like bears from a long hibernation. Yes, the fire ants have arrived again. But I’m talking about my neighbors. Spring is almost here, and in my part of the country, as soon as the temperature rises to at least 60 degrees, the waves from friendly folks in the neighborhood resume. Lawn mowers crank up when the first blades of green grass pop up, and the dead things are lopped off so the new blossoms can peek through the flowering shrubs.
One Word God Loves to Hear
It’s one of the words God loves to hear, but not only at this time of year. His God-ordained “holiday” includes every day of every year. No matter what’s going on in our world or in our lives, He loves to hear this word. What is it?
Three Keys to Success in Writing (and Everything Else)
Whether you’re writing, teaching, mothering, or gardening–no matter what the season, activity or occupation–these three keys will help you be more successful.