Can grace cover the worst thing you’ve ever done? The most terrible act committed against you? The one thing you have the most trouble forgetting? The worst deed ever committed in history? In your lifetime? Can God’s grace cover that?
When You Feel Alone, You Are Not Alone
Even as we’re attempting to make life count, to make a difference, or to move forward in new ways in this new year, we will still face challenges that can seem insurmountable. If that happens, remember you are not alone. In those moments, when you feel alone, I pray these words will encourage you.
A Challenge to You, Mother, for Your Children (With Application for All of Us)
Challenge to Mother: You are not the only one who influences your children. You are not the only one who can make a difference in their lives. But if you are a Christ follower, with His help, you can influence your children–and others–in a way that “sticks.” In little ways and big ways, known maybe only to God, your loving investments do make a difference.