Are you searching for something to lift your spirits? Do you need assurance that life still holds promise? Are you wondering if you still matter? Whatever your need, may this Easter prayer of hope and encouragement touch you and usher in a new sense of God’s love and presence:
Promise for Today: Empty Tomb, Full Heart
The empty tomb was a promise in itself. But none of Jesus’ disciples understood. When Jesus died, their hearts were empty. Their world collapsed. For three years, day and night, they ate, slept, and breathed Jesus. He was Life to them. What would they do without Jesus?
Palm Sunday – An Easter Meditation
Jesus’ story never grows old. He is still what Easter is all about. I pray this Easter meditation about Palm Sunday will bless and encourage you.
What Is Heaven Like? What Makes It a Home?
What is heaven like? Who will be there? What will we do? What makes it a home? If we were to gather all the questions people have asked about heaven and the new earth, it would no doubt fill a huge volume.
What God’s Love Does for Us
The power of God’s love is unchangeable, unstoppable, and indescribable. The truth about His love lies in His Word–and in His character. His love is truly amazing!