If you’re wondering what to ask or pray for at Christmas, here are three things you can always add with confidence to the top of your list:
Holding Onto Hope in Life’s Storms
Please welcome, Grace Fox, career missionary, popular Bible teacher, and author of 12 books. She’s a member of the “First 5” writing team (P31Ministries), and co-host of the podcast “Your Daily Bible Verse.” Her guest post today offers great biblical promises for holding onto hope in the storms of life.
A Prayer for Anxiety and Stress
In these challenging times, is anxiety, stress, or fear holding you hostage and keeping you from rest? Do you feel burdens pressing in that seem too heavy to bear? When stressful thoughts pull you in the wrong direction, and you’re struggling to find balance, the following prayer might express your thoughts and help you find relief and freedom:
When You Need God’s Strength
Who doesn’t need God’s strength? If you’re feeling weak and in need of a divine touch, here’s something for you to remember:
Back to School Prayers for Kids and Grandkids
As my husband and I were praying for our kids and grandkids today, God impressed me to put aside another blog I was working on and to revisit one I had already posted a while back. In this season of our lives, we feel like some of the most important work we can do is to pray for our children and grandchildren. More Challenges, More Temptations With school starting again soon, our young family members will face more pressures than ever.