When we hear our physician speak the words “healthy lifestyle,” our thoughts may turn to the gym, our refrigerator, or a bulging waistline. What should we give up? What can we keep? How can we change? Do you really want a healthy lifestyle? Finding nourishing choices and achieving balance in our lives can be a challenge. Food is one factor to consider, but what else should we focus on?
Lessons from Alaska about God’s Character and Ours
Several years ago, my husband and I took an awe-inspiring trip to Alaska, compliments of some very loving people. Here are ten lessons from God’s creation and from Alaska that God showed me–about God’s character and ours.
God Says We’re Not Created Equal
No two apple pies (or people) are created equal. Where’s the spiritual truth in that? And who needs to know that we’re not created equal?
Finding God in the Outdoors – His Creativity
You can’t avoid it. Everywhere you look, you’ll see evidences of God’s creativity. Today, in my last blog on Finding God in the Outdoors, here are only a few highlights of what I’ve found and seen of God’s amazing genius at work in creation.
God Had Dreams, Too
God’s Creativity Who hung the stars in space and hollowed out the ground? Who raised the earth until it loomed majestically toward the sky in snow-covered brilliance? And who wrote the prescription for your eyes, hair, body shape, and gifts? God’s creativity is amazing.