How’s your quiet time with God? I recently read Grace Fox’s book, Peaceful Moments to Begin Your Day: Devotions for Busy Women. This book was formerly titled 10-Minute Time Outs for Busy Women. It’s been reformatted and newly released as a beautiful little gift book.
What Are You Reading, and Why? Part 2
Today is Part 2 of last week’s blog: What Are You Reading, and Why? Today I’ll continue to answer that question we often see on Facebook, and tell you about some more good books I’ve read in the last year and a half. Again, some of these are oldies but goodies, and many are newer. I know some of the authors. Others I feel I know, after reading their stories.
Five Ways to Find Healing from Your Past – Part 2
Quick Review of Last Week: Life-altering wrongs committed against us may never be corrected in this lifetime. But what about the times when we’ve wounded others? How can we remove the “Cain-stamped” seal on our souls–the glaring sins and blunders that have almost destroyed our lives in the past? Only God can completely remove those, but Part 2 shares two more ways to help you find healing from your past.
25 Things You Won’t Find in Heaven
Most of us have heard what we will find in heaven, but here are 25 Things You Won’t Find in Heaven. Obviously we could name more than 25 things. When you finish reading my list, maybe you can add your own.
God Had Dreams, Too
God’s Creativity Who hung the stars in space and hollowed out the ground? Who raised the earth until it loomed majestically toward the sky in snow-covered brilliance? And who wrote the prescription for your eyes, hair, body shape, and gifts? God’s creativity is amazing.