It’s one of the words God loves to hear, but not only at this time of year. His God-ordained “holiday” includes every day of every year. No matter what’s going on in our world or in our lives, He loves to hear this word. What is it?
Lessons I Learned (and Re-learned) in 2014
What did God teach you this year? What lessons did you learn? It would take a book to list them all and to explain how, when, and where God re-emphasized His truths for me. But here, in a nutshell, are 20 simple lessons I learned (and relearned) in 2014. In fact, they are probably lessons He teaches me repeatedly, year after year:
Five Friends You Can’t Live Without
“A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17, NIV). That’s the kind of friend everyone wants, and it’s hard to improve on that definition. But here are five friends–five kinds of friends–you can’t live without. If you know one of them, that’s great. And if you’ve known all five, you are blessed beyond measure.