Spring clean your marriage? Even if you hate cleaning, dust still settles, cobwebs form, paint peels, and stuff accumulates. Our homes, our yards, our hearts, and even our marriages need a good spring cleaning often. You can apply today’s principles to all of those areas, but especially marriage.
Trying to Be Perfect? Perfect Is as Perfect Sees
Perfect is a matter of perspective. I get it. Every morning, I wake up refreshed. Okay, most mornings. Same objectives. The same desires. And the same hopes.
The God of Your Buried Dreams
God is not only the God of your buried dreams. He’s also the God of surprises.
One Thing You Can’t Live Without
We’re not talking about food and water here. And yes, maybe some people can “survive” physically, but without this one thing, only a shell remains. “Real” life desperately depends on it.