What to ask–and what not to ask God in His waiting room.
Is Jesus Real? An Easter Prayer for You
Some of us may feel like Thomas, who questioned the Lord after His resurrection appearance. At times, we too, need to know that Jesus is truly real. Circumstances leave us discouraged, and we soon forget God’s work in our lives.
Should We Apologize for Our Blessings?
A while back I had shared a “Day-votional Truth for the Day”: “Good news is hard to keep quiet.” I quoted the response of Peter and John after they had been asked by some Jewish religious leaders not to speak of Jesus again: “”Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19-20, NLT).
25 Christmas Prayers – Day 7
Today is the seventh in a series of daily Christmas blogs: 25 Christmas prayers celebrating the names of our precious Lord. Because it’s so familiar to most of us, it’s easy to let the “Christmas story” lose its wonder and mystery. Sometimes I forget there are millions who have still never heard or believed the true Christmas story.
25 Christmas Prayers – Day 2
Today is the second in a series of daily Christmas blogs: 25 Christmas Prayers, celebrating the names of our precious Lord. I hope they will enrich your Christmas season and draw you closer to the One who is the true reason for Christmas.