Mother or grandmother: It really doesn’t matter what age or stage a mother is at. Once you’re a mother, you’re a mother forever. God places within each mom the need to nurture her little ones–always guiding, always loving, always giving and prodding them in the right direction with gentle reminders: “Be careful,” “Dress warm,” “Eat healthy.” And just when you think the nest has emptied and mothering can take a vacation,the phone rings. A pleading voice begs for advice. The years pass, and instead of motherhood ending, it begins a new role with another title: Grandmother. Same loving, same nurturing, same prodding in the right direction–only with a bit more spoiling.
Do Moms Really Change Roles?
At some point it may appear you’ve changed roles completely, as your now grown child mothers you. Not so. Because inside, where it really counts, a mom never changes: she’s always guiding, always giving, always loving…
Just like our heavenly Father.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever (Psalm 118:1).
Think about when your role switched from “Mom” to “Grandmom.” How did you first find out? How did you feel? Overwhelmed? Overjoyed? Worried? Fearful?
(c) 2010, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, partial excerpt from Day-votions® for Grandmothers (Grand Rapids: Zondervan) All Rights Reserved
If you’d like to read the “rest of the story,” and the miracle that prompted it, you can find it on this complete sample chapter.
What about you? Are you a mother or grandmother? When did you first become a grandmother? How did you find out? What were your responses?