It doesn’t really matter what occupation you’re in, you’ll need a healthy dose of faith/perspiration to get through each day. What do I mean by that? Aren’t faith and work opposites?
Five Ways to Find Creative Ideas
Do you need to jump start your brain or create a new project? Are you facing writer‘s block? Do you want to find new creative ideas for writing an article, book, or blog? Whether you’re a seasoned writer, a wannabe just getting started, or an entrepreneur craving new ventures, here are five ways to find creative ideas and start your fingers flying:
Six Questions on Working with a Literary Agent: An Interview with Agent Steve Laube
Most of my blogs are devotional and inspirational pieces on Christian living, on your relationships with God and others, but all are geared to encourage the reader. Among those blogs, I also try to include some encouraging posts for writers. Occasionally I even offer contests and book giveaways. Today is a two-part blog on working with agents.
Ten Commandments for Working with Your Agent – A Guest Blog by Steve Laube
One year I taught a writer’s workshop where, in addition to sharing about the writing life, I was asked to talk about what it was like working with an agent. My agent Steve Laube posted this blog on his website. Steve generously gave permission to repost that blog. If you’re interested in writing, his blog gives some humorous, yet great advice on working with an agent:
Seven Reasons for Not Blogging
To blog or not to blog…. Years ago when I decided my old website needed a face lift, I heard–and read–tons of advice: “You need to be blogging, not just writing a newsletter.” Why? I questioned peers and studied the words of experienced bloggers and thought, “Does the world really need one more blog? Who really cares? And why? Who wants to read my private thoughts and opinions, anyway? And with my schedule, would it be blogging or bogging?