We often hear the requirements for God’s healing in the first Scripture reference below, especially on the National Day of Prayer. The second reference is quoted less. We know the result of turning back to God. But do we understand the alternative? We desperately need God’s healing.
Are Our Children Really Ours?
I was so impressed with this sweet testimony of friends Kacie and Jonathan Hunt that I asked permission to share Kacie’s blog as a guest post today. Are our children really ours? Kacie shares a powerful answer to that question as she allows you to see a glimpse of the difficult journey involving trisomy that she and Jonathan went through. I think you’ll be inspired and encouraged by their authentic faith.
Is Heaven for Reals?
I used to joke around with my grandchildren making unbelievable statements. One of my them loved to say, “Uh-uh! For reals, Mimi?”‘ “Just kidding!” I’d reply. There are some things they never question with, “For reals?” Words like, “I love you! You’re so special! I’m really proud of you!” I hope they know Mimi never kids about those things. They are definitely “for reals.”
Field of Dreams
Have you entertained your own “field of dreams?” Have you ever helped someone with theirs? Is there a “Randy” in your life? How could you encourage someone today?
The Upside of Downsizing – Book Giveaway
Featured today is Karen O’connor’s book, The Upside of Downsizing. You can read Karen’s book in one sitting, but you’ll be referring to this pocket size book repeatedly. Karen targets empty nesters and seniors, but even other ages will find some helpful hints here for practical things like getting your finances in order, decluttering your life, dividing up your treasures, and drawing closer to God.