New Year? Or New Beginning?
The start of a new year is not the only time for a new beginning. So is Springtime. About this time each year, my fingers itch to bury themselves in the fertile soil outside, planting new flowers. Only a few more weeks, and Winter will be past. I love Spring!
But God’s promise is for anytime–and anyone! He loves for people to experience a new beginning with Him. Even in the winters of our hearts–especially in the winters of our hearts–He wants to usher us into “springtime.” How many of us are longing for a new beginning?
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV
God Is Always Doing a New Thing
Dwelling on the past keeps us in the ‘”wasteland.” See the past through God’s mercy and grace, and let Him create new streams of joy inside of you, even in the midst of your wilderness. God is always doing a new thing. He loves to give new beginnings. And He wants to do that for you.The process may seem slow, like the tilling and cultivating of hard soil. But “springtime”–that new beginning–will come.
Sometimes we just can’t “perceive” it, because we’ve been in the wilderness so long. We need to see that new beginning through God’s eyes.
Remember, it’s God who is doing the new thing. Our part is to trust Him. Wait…and believe!
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, create an oasis for every weary, longing heart today. Move them from the past where mistakes and dread loom larger than they should. Show them the way, Jesus, to Your grace and goodness. Usher them into a new beginning through You. Let blooms of hope reappear. Someone desperately needs a new beginning today.
Day-votedly Yours,
*I’ve re-posted this blog from an earlier date because I felt it was so applicable.
What new beginning has God given you?