The “stuff” of life consumes us, confuses us, and clouds our perspective daily. We try to write the pages of our lives our way, but we end up with volumes of unnecessary rewrites. When we add the most important story ingredient daily, not legalistically, but with a dry, thirsty spirit, God enters, and changes us–and our story. We all need a divine appointment.
A Prayer for Hope and New Perspective
We all need fresh hope and a new perspective, not only at the beginning of a new year, but all year long. What do your eyes see today? Are you unable to see anything but problems, troubles, chaos, messiness? Are you finding it difficult to pray for comfort, perspective, hope and order? We all encounter seemingly hopeless situations at times, but that is why Christ came and why he gave us the Holy Spirit – because we need hope in the deepest parts of us! If you’re having trouble getting your words to rise above the clutter, pray along with these …
Should We Apologize for Our Blessings?
A while back I had shared a “Day-votional Truth for the Day”: “Good news is hard to keep quiet.” I quoted the response of Peter and John after they had been asked by some Jewish religious leaders not to speak of Jesus again: “”Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We cannot stop telling about the wonderful things we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19-20, NLT).