For years, I’ve enjoyed fishing –or rather “catching fish” with my husband. But years ago we also learned a fishing technique we’re always working on: one that deals with communication–and one that has deepened our relationship.
Book Giveaway
Because marriage and family is one of my passions, I’m pleased to share with you a book by Pam Farrel in today’s marriage book giveaway: 52 Ways to Wow Your Husband. Pam is a delightful woman of God, a great author, and a friend that I’m glad to recommend!
Wikipedia describes the empty nest syndrome as “a feeling of grief and loneliness parents may feel when their children leave home for the first time, such as to live on their own or to attend a college or university.” Just as a bird prepares a nest out of bits of twigs, grass, and other sturdy ingredients to serve as a home and refuge for its babies, so we moms have built a nest through the years for ourselves and our families. When that nest begins to empty, how do we fill the vacuum?