Time for another book giveaway–one that combines a Bible and devotional in the same package! New to Guideposts, the Mornings with Jesus Daily Bible offers a 365-day plan for reading through the Bible in one year. It’s an easy way to share each day with the One Who knows you best.
Book Giveaway: Mornings with Jesus 2015
It’s time for a Guideposts giveaway: the new devotional book, Mornings with Jesus 2015. This time, I’m featuring Guideposts‘ new devotional book, Mornings with Jesus 2015. Eleven writers helped write this new devotional, and this is the third year I’ve been privileged to join that writing team. Every time I study and learn more about Jesus, and every year I experience more of His love and grace, He grows more precious to me. Here’s an excerpt from one of the devotions I contributed to this book:
God Blesses Believers with Two Companions-Book Giveaway
It’s time for another book giveaway. You’ll enjoy a year’s full of devotions that will strengthen you in your walk with God as you spend moments alone with Jesus.
God, the One and Only – and Book Giveaway
There is one who will never reject us, never leave us, and who will always love us perfectly. 2013 Mornings with Jesus Guideposts devotional giveaway included in today’s blog.