Carol Kent’s new book, Unquenchable, takes a hard look at the fiery struggles and trauma in the lives of believers who have walked through the painful, “but if not’s” of life. I hope you enjoy this book review.
What Are You Reading, and Why? Part 2
Today is Part 2 of last week’s blog: What Are You Reading, and Why? Today I’ll continue to answer that question we often see on Facebook, and tell you about some more good books I’ve read in the last year and a half. Again, some of these are oldies but goodies, and many are newer. I know some of the authors. Others I feel I know, after reading their stories.
Book Giveaway and Carol Kent Interview
I first met Carol Kent years ago at the Christian Booksellers Association. I consider Carol a mentor as I trained with her to speak professionally. Even before I watched her walk through her family tragedy, she impressed me as one of the most godly women I had ever known or met.