What is a father? Whether our fathers were absent or present, we all share memories of what our father is/was like. Only God is the perfect Father. But this is my Father’s Day Tribute. Will you share yours?
Five Words That Can Change Your Life and the Lives of Others
I love words. They can change your life and the lives of others. Words are my vocation, partly because of some encouragement I received when I was only a senior in high school.
Can You Build a Marriage with Bricks?
Have you ever tried to build a marriage with bricks? Encouraging words might help you do that. Today’s post is from a guest writer–my husband, Larry: “To encourage or ‘edify’ literally means ‘to build a home.’ The writer of Proverbs said wisely, ‘A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver’ (Proverbs 25:11, NIV). As you edify your mate, you are constructing your marriage, building a rock-solid foundation for your home out of love and consideration. How do you do that? Below, you’ll find four bricks to help you build a marriage that lasts.