Does God allow us to have do-overs? I’m so glad He does, aren’t you? His love is amazing, and He knows us so well.
If you could have a do-over, what would you choose to change? What daily actions or positive attitudes would you take to move your life forward?
This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it (Psalm 118:24, NKJV).
Columnist Ann Landers often quoted the poem “Just for Today,” a piece attributed to Kenneth Holmes. Others such as Narcotic Anonymous have used that same poem as motivation to choose “do-overs”: daily positive actions for their lives in rehabilitation.
One day as I was journaling, I jotted down my own version of “Just for Today” actions:
This Day (My List of Do-overs)
I will not analyze my life or my emotions without God’s perspective.
I will not condemn myself for inactivity or incompletion.
I will not grow weary of doing good.
I will give myself to every assignment with smiles and purpose.
I will trust God to bring the reward of simple tasks.
I will not worry if I am doing enough, being enough, or if I have enough.
I will love God and others and seek to put them first before my own needs.
I will ask God for wisdom for every decision, great or small.
I will pay attention to interruptions and the Spirit’s nudging.
I will ask for and enjoy His Spirit’s filling–and by faith walk in it.
I will reject every non-productive, damaging, or hurtful thought–preferring that which is honorable, true, good, wholesome, and loving.
I will lean hard on the Lord for understanding, and trust Him to direct my paths.
I will expect, look for, and anticipate the Lord’s direction, answers, and wisdom.
I will celebrate every moment as a precious gift, holding those things which God has given me loosely in my hands–because they all belong to Him.
When I started journaling that day, my body was tired and begging for sleep, but my Spirit craved God’s fellowship. The latter was the greater longing. By the time I had finished writing and reading God’s thoughts to me from His Word, I felt refreshed, renewed, hopeful, expectant, joyful, prepared, and eager to begin the day.
“Plain” suddenly turned to “divine,” and His purpose for me for that day grew clear: to leave heaven’s imprint on that day and to see God’s fingerprints in everything, to know Him and to make Him known, and to add His beauty in big and simple tasks.
Was I successful in my plan for do-overs that day? In my own strength, never. But it gave a clearer picture of where I wanted to go. They were simple affirmations and desires of my heart.
We All Struggle
We all experience days and seasons when we fight a battle of the “wills.” I do. Sometimes our wrong choices bring consequences, and it may seem like “do-overs” are impossible. Some words and actions can’t be taken back. But God’s forgiveness can bring renewal and a desire to begin again, even in small ways.
Some days we may struggle to get moving and our “gratitude” list shrinks, while our complaint list grows. But when we approach life one day at a time, even listing only one “I will,” God will do His part to meet us where we are. We will not accomplish anything by sheer “will” power, but only through God’s powerful Spirit working through us. Only our faithful Father can create in us a clean heart, and the ability to start over again.
Create in me a pure heart, God. Make my spirit right again (Psalm 51:10 ICB).
Begin and Depend
Check out the Psalms, and all the “I will’s” that the psalmist David wrote. The first step is to begin–and then depend (on the Lord).
This is the day the Lord has made. I choose (I will) be glad in it! This day…what would you like to do or not do through God’s power working in you?
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord, we all want second chances to do some things right. Thank You for allowing us do-overs in certain attitudes and actions that can help shape our and others’ lives. Help us to take one day at a time, to be grateful even with small progress, and to lean hard on You for success. Through Your power, and by Your might, we can then find the strength and purpose needed to move forward.
Day-votedly Yours,
Discover More About Your Faithful Father’s Heart
Would you like to know more about your faithful heavenly Father’s Heart and how He longs to meet your needs? Needing a fresh start, and fresh hope–a do-over–is only one need. In Day-votions® with Your Faithful Father: 90 Days with the One Who Wants to meet All Your Needs, you’ll see God’s Word come alive through 90 intimate prayer conversations with God–and over 450 Bible verses written out. And you’ll identify with 90 needs and 90 ways that God has already provided just for you. You can check it out here or on my website.
It’s Your Turn
What about you? How would your “I will” list read? What do-overs would you list? You can always write me through my contact page. Just fill out the basic name and address info, and then the email will come to me. Your name or info will never be shared with anyone without your permission.
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