It’s time again for another book giveaway. Today I’m featuring a Guideposts devotional book, the new Mornings with Jesus 2017 devotional. For my fifth year now, I’ve been privileged to join a team of other gifted writers to compose the Mornings with Jesus devotionals, including this one.
Studying the life of Jesus and reading and learning more about Him each year as I write these devotions has deepened my love and passion for Christ even more. And every year as I experience more of His love and grace, Jesus grows even more precious to me. He is so faithful!
I am pleased to share this opportunity with you.
Here’s an excerpt from one of the devotions I contributed to this book:
Your spirit, not your size, makes the difference.”
Luke 9:48 (MSG)
The average person may feel too ordinary to do anything considered special or of great value in our world. While most of us would like to make a difference, what can one person do anyway?
Through a recent mailing, I learned that fifteen-year-old Gabe and his eleven-year-old sister Livvy approached life differently from most of us. A couple of years earlier, those two had scrolled though a Samaritan’s Purse gift catalog and decided they wanted to help renovate a missionary hospital in a needy area overseas. But how could two young kids accomplish something that huge?
They set to work baking. Selling thousands of cakes and cupcakes eventually earned them $35,000. Their gift paid for a new maternity ward, which opened two years after their initial dream. They not only traveled there for the dedication, they baked cupcakes for everyone as well. The first baby born in that maternity center was named after Gabe.
Jesus was teaching one day about the importance of using our talents. He said when His disciples stand before Him in heaven, He will unveil the “difference” their lives have made for Him on earth. To those questioning Him that day, Jesus surprised them: “Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me–you did it to me” (Matthew 25:40, MSG).
It’s not our size that makes a difference but our willing spirits. Gabe and Livvy learned that lesson early in life. I’m praying that I will learn it too. – Rebecca Barlow Jordan
Faith Step: Ask Jesus to give you a dream of how you can make a difference for Him. Then offer yourself and your abilities for Him to use any way He wants.
(c) 2016 by Guideposts. All Rights Reserved.
Do you have a dream of how you want to make a difference for Jesus? And if you’d like more information about this book, or want to purchase some copies, check out Mornings with Jesus 2017. It’s available in either paperback or e-book.
Note: The devotional book giveaway has ended, and the winner has been drawn.