Describing a man like Billy Graham is like trying to fill a huge barrel using thimblefuls of water. It’s almost impossible. He—and his words—were simple, yet profound. As a devout follower of Jesus, he exhibited many of the Lord’s divine attributes: goodness, kindness, faithfulness, dedication, singlemindedness, love, patience, joy, steadfastness, and so many more.
Billy Graham: America’s Pastor, Faithful Evangelist
He was America’s pastor and a faithful evangelist, but he was known worldwide. Others have offered outstanding tributes, miraculous encounters, and biographical records of this man who touched so many lives. Although it’s simple and hardly profound, here’s my personal tribute to a giant of a man, Billy Graham.
A Personal Tribute to Billy Graham
Rebecca Barlow Jordan
He was humble to the core, yet a giant in ways
that took nothing for himself, and gave God all the praise.
Faithful by nature, a powerful man,
whose heart was directed by God’s own Hand.
He traveled the world offering hope and sweet grace—
good news of the Gospel—into every place.
His message? Salvation—to all who received
Jesus, by faith, in whom they believed.
He minced no words, calling sin by its name,
making the Bible his source and his flame.
With eyes of blue steel and a heart of pure gold,
he reminded us so of the One long ago
Who walked on this earth doing good everywhere,
Who offered His love and our burdens to bear.
When they called him the “Rev,” he cried, “Billy,” please!
When he prayed, he could bring you right down to your knees.
Not perfect, yet perfectly suited by God
to reach age after age, from senior to tot.
A friend to presidents, dictators, and queens,
he also embraced the ones of poor means.
Integrity flowed from his life through and through.
His focus was Jesus, and His great love for you,
never wavering or halting his message of grace,
even when illness filled more of his days.
When Heaven’s doors opened to receive Billy Graham,
did he humbly proclaim, “I come, just as I am?”
Whatever he said, Jesus offered, “Well Done!”
And the message from Billy still calls to each one:
“For you, Jesus died; let your heart be God’s home,
He’ll forgive you and never leave you alone.”
I imagine the line formed in heaven right now
Will take months, even years for those to tell how
grateful they are to have lives that were changed
by his message, their destiny so rearranged.
But probably Billy will turn them around
to face Jesus, with his head and his knees now bowed.
“Thank Him, not me,” I can just hear him say,
“He’s the One, the only One, Who deserves your praise.”
There’s never been another like this man with such faith
who touched countless lives in so many ways.
And I, like so many, have been blessed by his life,
And am challenged again to offer my cry,
“Sweet Jesus, I love you! Fill me again!
May I never stop sharing Your love that’s within;
No matter what comes, when, or what way,
I’ll make Your name known, Lord, every day.”
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ (Matthew 25:21 NIV).
My Personal Prayer for You
Lord Jesus, what a servant you gave to the world in the man, Billy Graham. Thank you for his life and for the way he lived it so graciously and purposefully. Although he has passed from this world, his influence and legacy will live on. Help us, each in our own way, to serve you with the passion of one who has been changed from darkness to light.
For those who don’t yet know You and the power of Your gospel, help us to be bright lights to help them turn in repentance and faith to You, the true Light of the World. Fill us with Your love, Your grace, and Your goodness that crosses all barriers and conditions. Make us useable, Lord. Let others see Jesus in us. Help us to keep sharing the timeless message and Good News of Your salvation that Billy Graham so faithfully delivered in his years on this earth. Help us to keep making Your precious name known—until we draw our last breath on this earth.
Day-votedly Yours,
Here are only a few of the many articles you might find helpful regarding Billy Graham: “How to Study the Bible Like Billy Graham,” “Five Questions about Heaven Billy Graham Answered,” and another wonderful tribute to Billy Graham’s faithful service. I hope you’ll check them out.
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